This is what I have been up to...since September.
In early September, Tom and Sierra were married and now Sierra's having a baby....Sydney Olive will arrive in May.
In October, Brandon, Lisa, Jeffrey and I went to Tilghman Island Day.
Later in the month, we took most of the Gentry Clan and did a day hike to Bake Oven Knob on the Appalachian hide beer for Jeffrey's "Man's Weekend" on the trail.
In early November, I actually met MARTHA STEWART at a book signing at Williams-Sonoma in Philadelphia. It was the icing on the cake to finally meet her in person.
Then the Chesapeake City Pet Parade in November....always a fun time.
On November 22nd, I celebrated 5 years of marriage with Jeffrey.
We watched the Eagles get crushed by the Ravens in Baltimore.
Thanksgiving family came up from Chattanooga and we decorated The Bayard House for Christmas. I wrote letters to Santa with Landen & Aislyn.
Then we mailed the letters to Santa
I traveled to Chattanooga, TN to see the Christmas Program at Landen & Aislyn's school.
Christmas came to Chesapeake City at our home.
Now it is 2009...and I promise to update more frequently.