This is what I have been up to...since September.
In early September, Tom and Sierra were married and now Sierra's having a baby....Sydney Olive will arrive in May.
In October, Brandon, Lisa, Jeffrey and I went to Tilghman Island Day.
Later in the month, we took most of the Gentry Clan and did a day hike to Bake Oven Knob on the Appalachian hide beer for Jeffrey's "Man's Weekend" on the trail.
In early November, I actually met MARTHA STEWART at a book signing at Williams-Sonoma in Philadelphia. It was the icing on the cake to finally meet her in person.
Then the Chesapeake City Pet Parade in November....always a fun time.
On November 22nd, I celebrated 5 years of marriage with Jeffrey.
We watched the Eagles get crushed by the Ravens in Baltimore.
Thanksgiving family came up from Chattanooga and we decorated The Bayard House for Christmas. I wrote letters to Santa with Landen & Aislyn.
Then we mailed the letters to Santa
I traveled to Chattanooga, TN to see the Christmas Program at Landen & Aislyn's school.
Christmas came to Chesapeake City at our home.
Now it is 2009...and I promise to update more frequently.
Happy new year, Bug! Glad you're back. The internet is whole again.
Welcome back, we missed you. Wish I would have known you and jeffrey came to Baltimore. I would have loved to meet you guys in person after all these years of following blogs together. Oh well, next time!!
This up date was nice. Ya'lls tree was beautiful. Sorry we didn't get to see it this year. You have been busy but this day in time it's good to have something to do. Talk to you soon. ILY, Brenda
Nice to see ya back. You were missed.
Sorry about the Eagles.
How about some updates? It's been a while.
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