It's finally here...MARCH!
March to me screams spring, although I can remember March 1993 when we had a blizzard. I was in college and a group of us went to Puerto Rico for spring break. We ended up stranded at JFK until the next morning...the trip is an entirely different story. Despite my wishes for snow this winter...I am happy that spring is on it's way. I have a few small daffodils and crocuses blooming. March also hosts a few other interesting events...ohh and my birthday too!
Did you know...
***March is American Red Cross Month
***Women's History Month
***Last year, Ginger introduced me to Pi Day (March 14th)
***St. Patrick's Day, March 17th
***Easter is also this month, March 23rd
Lots to do in one month!!!
Oh yeah, SPRING!!!!
I'm looking forwrd to spring too!! It's my favorite.
happy spring! happy green beer! happy noticing-women-who-rawk! happy birthday!
OMG! How did I ever manage to miss this post!?!?! You mention the trip from HELL and I didn't notice it until three weeks later. Geez. What's wrong with me!?!? I dunno. Perhaps I'm scarred permanently after packing in a car...spending the night in a hotel...getting dragged outta the showering with wet hair in a blizzard, running through an airport, puking on the way...only to learn after I'm comfortably in my seat and on the runway that the F-in airport was closed. Or, maybe it was sleeping on the airport floor that did it. No, maybe it was the sun poisoning. Oh,, no wait, that was not me....Hmmm. I know, it's most likely that I stirred the mac & cheese the wrong way....Yep. Tha't porbably it. Only, I don't think it was mac & cheese....See, I'm so scarred, I can't even remember. But I do remember stirring it the wrong way--whatever it was. All down hill from there, baby....
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