Most of us have heard the heroic stories of the K-9 dogs of 9/11 and the dogs, who saved folks during Hurricane Katrina, or many of us think our dogs are the best dog in the whole wide world, who aren't hero's...but are our children, like me. When I was in my early teens, my family got a Jack Russell Terrier named Queenie. She was a funny girl with a heart condition, buck teeth and was more calm than any other Jack Russell I knew. Queenie became a sister to me. She lived to be 18 years old. During those 18 years, she had about 5 other dogs in her life and outlived them all. I like to say she had "9 Lives." When she was about 8, she was chasing our Chesapeake Bay Retriever around our yard and ran so hard she broke her leg. About 2 years later she was diagnosed with Hepatitis. When she was about 15, we thought we lost her. She ran away for 3 nights and came back with Pancreatitis. Finally after living 18 years, we had to put her to sleep due to heart failure. She will always be a member of our family. Over 2 years ago, we adopted Toby. He is your typical jumping and barking Jack Russell, which despite what we say, love him dearly.
Recently, I have heard of two dogs saving people's lives. In March, a 2-year-old golden retriever, named
Toby became a hero in our county. Toby's owner was eating a piece of fruit, when she began choking. She tried to perform the Heimlich maneuver on herself, but it wasn't working. Toby jumped up on his hind feet and pushed his owner to the ground and began jumping up and down on her chest and finally the fruit dislodged. This heroic deed landed Toby on the David Letterman Show a few weeks ago.
Yesterday, I read the story of a
Jack Russell in New Zealand who saved the lives of 5 children. This dog's name was George. Two pit bulls were going after the children, when they were attacked by George. George suffered many wounds and had to be put down. However, he died a hero by saving the lives of the children.
I don't know what it is about Jack Russell's and the name, Toby...but I think we should all say THREE CHEERS FOR DOGS, man's best friend.
My Heroic Dogs

1 comment:
Aww, I love them both! Queenie was a lovely girl. Sweet little warm snuggler.
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