“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become.” -Lady Bird Johnson
Tonight when I heard the news that Lady Bird Johnson had passed away. I was sad. I have always loved and admired her since I was a little girl. I remember vividly sitting on the floor at my grandparent's house and hearing her talk on TV. I asked who she was and my grandfather said, Lady Bird Johnson. I remember laughing at the name, but I was so enchanted with her Texas drawl. She sounded so graceful when she spoke, like someone narrating a story. The thing that sticks in my mind most about Lady Bird is her Highway Beautification Project and the Lady Bird Bill. Just yesterday, I was driving down the road and I passed this area where there are tons of wildflowers and I thought of her. I got stopped at the light and I just looked at how pretty they were and how they made the side of a dull highway so beautiful. No matter where I drive, I always check out the flowers and think of her. In 1983, Lady Bird received an Honorary Degree from my Alma mater, Washington College as a Doctor of Humane Letters. She witnessed so much of our country's history unfold and led a very privileged life so graciously. She leaves behind a legacy of beautifying America for everyone to enjoy.

Click here for Lady Bird Johnson in The White House

I think this photo epitomizes the true Lady Bird...a simple woman who loved nature. Click here for more information on the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center at The University of Texas at Austin
Well put. She was a beautiful person.
Nicely done, Natalie
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