It was a beautiful day...a perfect day for a wedding at the restaurant. Big blue skies and a cool breeze off the canal. This would be our "white" wedding. Everything was very simple and elegant with white and silver accents. The Hiram Brown Band performed, Blueberry Moon made the beautiful cake and Jacki Taylor did the photography...all people Jeffrey and I used at our wedding.
The parasols in the picture were in a galvanized tub for guests to use in the sun during the ceremony...and the beautiful flowers by Wildflowers by Alicia were filled with fragrant stock and lilies. The ceremony was held on the side of the restaurant under a grape arbor behind The Old Wharf Cottage. It was the first time we have ever held a ceremony in that location and it was just perfect.
If you don't know this song, check it out. Very beautiful and appropriate for this day.
Gorgeous wedding. Love the cake. White and silver; so elegant! Wish I had your job. (sometimes).
Sometimes I wish I had another job too....but weddings are the best. You meet so many nice people and you get to step out of the normal day to day business in the restaurant. They are lots of work...and I will miss them in the winter months.
I can imagine. Although I have heard some horror stories about impossible brides....
thanks for finding my blog and posting! I am so glad to find yours through it- have not had time to read much yet- but will and love having a blogger friend on the Eastern Shore- my heart will always be in Maryland.
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