This weekend will bring our wedding season to a close. We will still have some, but no more outdoor large parties. On Saturday, we will have a wedding of 120 guests. The groom was a neighbor that I used to old do I feel? We have had several weddings in the past few weeks...I have been neglecting blogging about them. Here are some photos of weddings we have held recently. I think I stopped getting excited about them and taking photos when we lost power one night during a wedding and it never came on. Luckily, the guests were almost fed and they didn't mind the lack of light and fans on our patio.
This cake reminds me of a Zeta Tau Alpha cake. I was a ZTA in college. The colors are turquoise blue and steel grey.
This ceremony was so pretty along the canal.
This is a centerpiece I made from leftover flowers from a wedding. Those big green spiky balls are called Monkey Balls...furry little things. They are not as pictured here...but that's what the florist called them.
Table setting from last Friday's wedding...the martini themed event.
The Martini Cake from Papa's Bakery in Wilmington, DE
Lots of greens and turquoise in the past few months...this week is sky blue.
My dear Bug...Zeta is Forever. I AM a Zeta. Not, I WAS a Zeta. Did you learn nothing? Geez. ZLAM!
I know...I know. I just many people read this...they would be she still in she that obsessed...this girl is NUTS!!!!!!!
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